Have you ever gone to a lesson where they talked about journal writing or keeping your personal history, so you went home and made an entry with a zealous entry like this: "Wow, it's been a long time since I have written in here. I'm going to try and write everyday from now on." Then sadly, you see a near identical entry several months later. Well, this may be like that.
As we approach our year anniversary, we have learned a little about our families' distinctive ways of communicating. In the Allen family we call and spend thae majority of conversation updating one another on what has happened since we last talked. Lacey has dubbed this, "Allen Updating." What I'm' going to try and do is use this blog as our Allen Update center. Let's hope the zeal doesn't die off quickly.
YAY for blogs!! I'm so glad you guys have a blog! Now we can keep in touch since we don't see much of each other!